Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Family Fall Photo Shoot

A Witchy Day

It has become tradition each year before Halloween to go with the girls to Gardner's Village and see the witches. We have lunch at the Archibald's Restaurant and then browse through all the little shops. So fun!

Faith loves looking for witches and having caramel popcorn. It was a beautiful fall day and EXTREMELY busy. Non the less we had a great time like always.

Faith even got to shack her bootie with one of the witches, so cute!

The Pumpkin Patch

Here are the tradition "pumpkin patch" pictures everyone post's, he-he! We had a good time. While on the hay ride to the patch some goblins and gools jumped out to scare us all, it freaked Lindsay and Faith out. To funny!

Faith LOVES pumpkins this year and as we drive from here to there and everywhere she is always looking for them and tells me every time she sees one and then tells me she wants to see more. She is so funny. She finally understands what all the hoop-la is all about. Good times!

Monday, October 20, 2008


We traveled to Moab to attend a reunion for the little children whom were adopted from Taiwan and brought home to the states. We have a small group attend every year (this being the third year) but we seem to get a little bigger each year. We have a good time mingling with the other families and watching the children interact together.

We attend a wild west shoot-out and dinner with entertainment the first night. The next day was rained out so instead of swimming and pizza at the park we ended up at an indoors fun center. The kids played and ran around and then we had pizza. That night we had a BBQ at the city park and then the third day there was a brunch and pictures.

We love going and Faith enjoys it. We hope to attend every year for years to come.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Well, we're back! Our three week road trip turned out to be a really fun adventure and the kids were GREAT! They would sleep in the car for most of the driving from here to there.

We had a lot of quality time as a family and the kids loved staying at the cabin in Wyoming for two weeks. Faith still talks about going back and was so sad to leave. We had a blast!

Here are some of the snap shots I took along the way. I could wake up in that country every morning. The views around the cabin were amazing and it was the most beautiful time of year to go. I love the Autumn leafs.

It did snow two days out of the 16 we were there but melted away quickly, we had a GREAT TIME TOGETHER!