Friday, May 16, 2008

Sittin Around The Camp Fire

After having a hole in our back patio for 3 yrs. prepped for our gas fire pit we FINALLY finished it and hooked everything up. Lindsay and Faith kicked back to watch the sunset and enjoy their first night around the fire.

We will have to have you all over to roast marsh mellows and sing song's :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Race For The Cure

Saturday we participated in the race for the cure held at the Gateway, down town Salt Lake. We ran in memory of my wonderful aunt Kris Bott. All the girls in my family have done this for the last 5-6 years now. It is so amazing and fabulous to see all the many people who do this in honor of or celebration of those they love and to help find a cure for cancer. Faith wore a little shirt that says "when I grow up theres ganna be a cure". It was the cutest thing. We had a wonderful time as we always do and after the run myself and my sisters met with some of the women in my family for lunch to celebrate womanhood (Mother's Day). It was a nice lunch and a fabulous weekend.

Thank you to all those who are helping to find a cure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you Kris and will see you again some day :)

Cleaning Out The Closet's

Every few months I go through the closets and organize and clean (Lindsay calls me obsessive-compulsive and I would have to agree). When I do this, Faith thinks it's time to play "dress up". She gets into the pile of "D.I." close and runs around the house. Not only do I clean out the closets but then I have to walk the house and clean the clothes up again...............the joy!

Owen's Exercises

So, in reading in one of my many baby books it says that your baby should play on his tummy a few times a day to exercise his back and neck muscles. Owen just screams at me when I do so, it is so cute yet so sad... he-he!

Cuddle Bug!

Lindsay is the best dad in the world and does his best to help out in any way he can. Each weekday night we put Faith to bed at about 9 PM and then it's my time to "work it out". He takes little Owie and plays with him for an hour while I play on my eleptical trainer he bought me for Christmas. I use to LOVE doing this. Not so much right now. I get SO tired so easily it's not even funny. I am trying to work back into it all, slowly but surely. I was totally adicted to fitness before the two babies came along and have kind of lost sight of it all (no time). As I master being the best mom in the world (he-he). I will slowly do more and more and get myself back into the groove. Being fit makes me happy, healthy, and gives me more energy to deal with every day life. I LOVE IT! Well I use too, it's a struggle right now but in no time I hope to be outside running again too.

Here's to my too cuddle bug's. I love them!

And Lindsay wonders why our friends, kids call him "Uncle Evil"......


So some of the fabulous girls in the ward/neighborhood put together a "surprise" baby shower for my friend and cousin Melissa Orris the other night. She was to arrive at 7 PM to the restaurant and I was sure to be there on time not to miss a thing. I left the house nice and early and came to find out the freeway entrance by my home was closed, I turned my car around and hit a train, then tried to hit another freeway entrance and found out it was closed for construction as well. I had to drive all the way through Kaysville, spending 25 minutes doing so, to get on the freeway. I got to the restaurant at 7:05 PM and Melissa had already arrived. I was the only one late and missed the whole thing, DANGIT!

Any how, we had a nice time and I am so excited for Melissa to be having her baby boy. She has two adorable little girls and when they first found out what they were to be having they were told a girl so for 2 months or so they thought this was the case and were a little bummed. Well, SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are now having a boy, he-he! So fun! Owie will have a little buddy in the neighborhood :)

She is due in just a few weeks and I wish her all the best! We can't wait to meet him.

It Actually Happened.............

I thought Faith would never attempt to climb out of her crib. She is so little and just not crazy like that but the last few weeks have been something else. I don't know if she is getting jealous of her little brother finally or if she is hitting her terrible two's early.

She has started to put up a fight when it's time to take a nap. She has always been so good at going to bed, sleeping through the night and taking her naps. Well not only will she cry when it's nap time but the last few times I have tried to leave her with someone for a few hours she crys and crys. She has a really hard time with me leaving her. She also threw a fit in nursery yesterday at church, even when I stayed with her and held her she kept crying and crying. I don't know what has happened to my sweet little girl.

Well on Tuesday, May 6th it actually happened. I tried to put Faith down for a nap at 1 pm ish. She would not go. I let her come out and play a bit more thinking she would get sleepy. Well around 4 pm I tried to take her in her room for a nap before it was too late in the day and time for bed. I took her to her room, turned on her music, held her a bit and then tried to lay her down. She started to cry. I left the room and after about 5 minutes of listening to her scream I told myself "I am not going in there, I need to let her cry it out, I need to be strong and let her fall asleep knowing it will be OK." Well, right as I was saying this in my mind (mean while she was screaming historically, and she has never been this way). I then heard a loud THUMP! I went running to her room, threw open the door and there she was, standing in the middle of her room crying and screaming. It was awful! I felt so bad! I grabbed her and held her and began to cry myself. I felt like the meanest mom in the world! She cried in my arm's and finally fell asleep.

That was the worst day ever and I hope it never happens again. We lowered her crib to the last notch (lowest level) and possibly around 2 yrs (this August) we will have to switch her to a bed. I am trying to go as long as I can because then I don't have to deal with her getting out of her bed all the time at night and playing or getting into something. She is safer in her crib.

Any how, it was not a good day and has been a trying few weeks. She finally took a nap yesterday and is napping today again. She had gone 5 days with out her normal nap (maybe 20 minutes in the car when I would be out and about). It has been killing me, never a break. But I sure do love having my buddy with me all day.

Any how........... Let's hope she doesn't try that again :(

Monday, May 5, 2008

Rain or Sunshine

The weather in Utah has been crazy for the last month. One day the sun is shinning and the next it's raining/snowing. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!



Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day!

Learning How To Ride

We bought Faith a little bike for Easter and the weather is finally nice enough to take her outside and teach her to peddle. She is so little and so is the bike, it is the cutest thing to watch. She is slowly catching on. I pray she never ventures into the road, yikes!

This is the look on Faith's face when ever her daddy comes home. She always gets SO excited and runs to him. It's the highlight of his day.

Big Girl Shoes

I told Faith that I didn't want to hear her whining anymore until she has walked a day in my shoes. She thought she would take me up on that.


Faith hates having her picture taken..............