Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mother's Day

Being a Mother is the #1 most important thing I have done in my life (aside from being married for time and all eternity in the house of my Heavenly Father). It has brought so much joy to my life. I have struggled a bit here and there but I wouldn't change it for the world. The Lord has truley blessed me, richly! I love my babies!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Lindsay and I took a MUCH needed vacation and booked a trip to Vegas. We chose Vegas only because we got a really good deal and we are so broke right now. We thought it would be so fun and wanted time to relax and re-group. Our fabulous parents watched the kiddos for us and off we went. We spent 4 days just walking and eating, walking and eating. "What Happens In Vegas, Hit My Hips". Seriously! We saw the sights, eat A LOT, sat by the pool and everything was really great but we missed our little's SO MUCH! It was strange. Most parents understand though. We decided we want to take our kids on all the trips. We want to see them smile, see thing's for the first time, cuddle and love them, laugh with them.
Vegas is not a place for us. We don't gamble, we don't drink, we don't club it anymore (at least as much), so it was kind of a bore.. hehe!
Next vacation will defiantly be on a beach somewhere. It was great to get away and be together (alone) but we should have chosen a different destination. Oh Well!
Here's to good times!

One hr. into the trip and already eating :)

No comment

We ate at Jimmy Buffet's restaurant "Margarita Ville", one of our favorites. I suggest you share the nachos with 3-4 other people if you order them. WOW!

Lindsay thought he was funny getting a picture of me shopping for the kids. This is all I do. I love it!

I could not believe the awesome mirror above our bed (SO TACKY! So Vegas). Had to take a picture. Don't look to close, Lindsay will kill me for posting this.. haha!

The view from our hotel window. Pretty cool actually.

Pictures from the pool.

I wanted to act like I was eating the M&M for Faith. She keeps looking at it asking me if the M&M is real.

Cleaning Service????

This is why it always seems like nothing really gets done. Never clean. They are well worth it though. Luv'em!

Just Because Their SO Cute!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Movie Night

Some times after a long week we tend to go out to eat as a family and then stop and get some movies. The kids will choose one and mom and dad get one. We set up in the living room while the kiddos set up in Faith's room. We have to have our treats as well. It's kinds nice as the kids get older. Although it will only last 30 minutes it still helps a little. I'm not one to let my kids watch to much TV so they have a hard time sitting through anything. I'm sure as they get only it will change but it sure would be nice once and a while.


I took the kids to the park for lunch and to feed the duck's. They were both playing on the toys and having a great time when all of a sudden "whack!". Owen was hit in the face with a flying whistle. Faith had been walking by and swinging a plastic whistle on a string and it hit him right by the eye and cut him. So sad! He was screaming and crying. It was pretty much nap time at this point so I loaded them up and took them home. All the while Owen was screaming for ducks...sad!


We took the kids and friends to the Sweet's Candy Factory in SLC. They loved it! We meet for lunch and then took them on a tour. At the end of the tour you can visit their gift shop and Owen was in heaven. He kept grabbing at everything and sampling here and there, thought it was a free for all. So funny!
They did have some yummy samples through out the tour that we enjoyed. They keep talking about going. Must have liked it more then I thought.

Fabulous Traditions

The kids in their Easter clothes. So adorable!