Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fun, Food, Shopping!

Every year my dad takes myself, my two sisters, and my sister in-law out for lunch and shopping (Daddy Daughter Date). This year we started to take our little ladies with us too. We all go eat and spend time shopping with my dad. For some strange reason he actually likes shopping with us. We have so much fun and are so thankful for times likes these to be with our dad. We love you dad! Thank you so much for all you do for us. YOUR THE BEST!!!!!!

I'm a big boy now

Owen is feeding himself. I have prolonged this adventure because it is SO messy and I would rather hurry and feed and clean up then spend an hour with him and then change his clothes and wipe down the kitchen. Well he has become so stubborn about it that I have to let him at this point or we fight at every meal. He has been doing extremely well though. I am so proud of my big boy. It is so hard to believe that on August 14th he will already be 18 months old and lil Faith will turn 3 years old on the 27th. She also wanted her picture taken too of course.

Annual Girls Party

Each Summer and again around Christmas time I get together with some fabulous ladies to celebrate just being a woman. I love it! They are so much fun and I think my sister Vicki for including me many years ago. It has been so much fun each year eating good food and hanging with the ladies.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

July 4th

Fun, Food, Family, Friends, Fireworks.................Fabulous!!!!!!


We took Owen and Faith to the Ogden Dinosaur Park. I kept trying to get Faith out of the stroller and closer to one of the dinosaurs for a pic and she wanted nothing of it. They have speakers hung through out the tree's and what not and they play loud dinosaur noises on them. Faith could hear them and kept asking me what it was. I told her it was the dinosaurs. She wouldn't go near them. I even walked up to a few and would smack them and try and tell her they were pretend/fake and she still wouldn't do it. Owen on the other hand is still at the age of "no fear". He will do anything. We had a fun day as a family, had some lunch, played in the sand, etc. We love spending time together like this, just our lil family. Especially when dad comes along.

It's What Fun Is!!!!

Our annual family fun at Lagoon. The kids LOVED it this year! We didn't go until 4 PM hoping it would cool off. We ate dinner with the family and took the kiddos on some rides. Lindsay maybe went on a couple but it was all about the kids this year. Faith and Owen loved every minute of it and it was bit a funner this year because Faith could do so much more then last. They didn't want to go home. Next year we better make a day of it. Good times! Thanks mom and dad!