Friday, April 13, 2007

Adjusting & Growing

Faith has been doing extremely well since she has come home to live with Mom and Dad. She stick's pretty much to her schedule each day (eating and sleeping). Most of the time she will sleep through the night going down around 9:30 PM and waking around 8 AM. She is so mellow and I don't know if she is still trying to soak everything in and figure out where she is but she is such a good baby.

We started introducing her to foods after she had been home about a week. She has enjoyed everything we have given her and has not yet rejected anything. She started with rice cereal, then banana's, then sweet potato's and then avocado and she has liked them all. I am amazed all the time, everything we try with her she just kind of does it and trys it. She has not been fussy at all. The only hard adjustment she and I both had was the car seat. She is not a fan. When ever I would put her in the car set to run around town I would have to listen to her cry the whole time. It was awful. It seems though in the last week she is doing much better and will only start crying a bit if she gets hungry or has been in the car seat for to long. Other then that things have gone SO WELL!

We started her on foods and also the second week she started to hold her own bottle and was standing up against furniture. When we picked her up from St. Lucy's she was already laughing, crawling and sitting up on her own. She even had one tooth and during the time we had her in Taiwan she received two more. She is already growing so fast. I walk into her nursery at times and find her standing in her crib. "SLOW DOWN BABY GIRL!" She is defiantly a go getter and is curious and into everything.

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