Owen has been with us for 9 days now and time just keep passing bye. As I held Owen in the hospital last week I thought to myself, it would sure be nice if Owen could stay this small forever. He is so sweet, so cute, and so kissable. He doesn't talk back, he doesn't run from me, and I can actually get some thing's done as he sleep's peacefully in the other room. The long nights are hard, yes I will admit (and so would Lindsay), but to have him small like this forever would be SO FUN! Gosh we just love him to pieces.
Any how, things at the Workman home are going well. Lindsay was going crazy at home with me for so long he decided to do a little work on Friday. Today, Saturday, he is out ice fishing with the boy's (the life). I thought I was going to go crazy, and believe me there are plenty of those days to come, once he went back to work but I have survived and I think in time I will get the hang of this like any other mother. I will admit I can't seem to get up and ready for the day until around noon when both kids are sleeping. This is shower time for mom. Just taking it one day at a time. We get up, eat, get both kids ready, clean a little, sit with the kids a little and then nap time (saves my life). So, if anyone wants to drop in or call me to go any where it will have to be after 2-3 PM each day. Bye this time I should be ready to go (ha-ha!).
We are truly and extremely happy and things are going really well. I wanted to say a quick "THANK YOU" to all our friends and family who have brought us dinners, gifts, support, love, and help the past 10 days. You have all saved my life and it has meant the world to both Lindsay and I. We are SO LUCKY! We love you all so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!
Oh! Really quickly as well I wanted to share how Owen came into this world for all those who are curious. On Wednesday, February 13th around 5 PM my water broke. I was going to be induced on Friday morning but Owen had his own schedule. I was at home and had just feed Faith some dinner. My water broke and Lindsay came pulling in the drive way. Thing's couldn't have been more perfect (the timing). I called my doctor and she wanted me to meet her at the hospital. I was feeling great and full of energy (for once). I wasn't feeling any contraction's and I didn't feel like I was going into labor (it is so not like in the movies, ha-ha!).
We took our time getting our bag's together, straightening the house, and getting Faith ready to go sleep at Grandma Bott's for three days. My parent's arrived at our home around 7 PM to get Faith and then we headed to Davis Hospital in Layton. We get there at 7:30 PM. Checked in and they got me all set-up and ready for the delivery. I would say it was about 8:30 PM when they started the induction. Thing's went really smooth the whole night. I was at a "4" when I got to the hospital and waited until I was a "6" and received an epidural (this was at about 11:30 PM). After that life was good. I even took an hour nap, Lindsay watched movies and we just waited for the lucky number "10" and then they set everything up, called our doctor/mid-wife in and 30 minutes later (of pushing) Owen entered the world just before 5 AM. I went into this expecting the worst and just realizing that everything is out of my control and what ever is going to happen will happen and I will deal with it when it does. I figured I would be in for the long hall (14-16 hr. labor) and that it wasn't going to be pretty. Well 8 1/2-9 hrs. of labor was heavenly and all went really well. It was amazing and I stayed pretty calm the whole time. I would do the labor part all over again if I didn't have to deal with the recovery after (UGH!). So not fun.
Feeling good today though and each day a little better. Now if I could just get a little sleep. I seriously have not slept more then 4 hrs. in one night since Owen came along. The last month of pregnancy kind of prepared me for this I suppose. I can still function so all is well. This is my life from here on out, for a long time any how.
We hope everyone is doing fabulous and having a nice week! I'll check in when I can. We will see how much this "2" kids life rocks my world!
Loves, Mandi
P.S. Our Valentine's Dinner at the hospital. How romantic! he-he!