Well between Christmas and New Years I got together with a few of my childhood friends and it was GREAT! I grew up in the same home and church ward my whole life (until marriage) and every few months or so we still try and get together. It's the four of us, myself, Tasha Ivins, Trisha Paul and LaNae Howard. Unfortunately LaNae couldn't be there this time, she was terribly sick. We missed her BIG TIME though. We had a nice lunch and exchanged stories for most of the day. It was SO FUN as always!
Our New Year turned out very eventful. We had made plans to go to Moab, UT and spend the weekend and New Years Celebrating with our friends. Faith got terribly sick with the beginning of pneumonia on Friday night, Dec 28th. It was so sad so we delayed things a bit. She had a temperature of 104 so we took her into the hospital. Her ears, throat, eyes and everything looked really good but when they took an ex-ray of her little chest they could see the start of pneumonia in each lung. She had, had a slight temp on Wednesday and Thursday but acted normal and was doing fine through out the day playing and what not. I thought it would go away. Friday night it hit hard and it scared me badly. She slept in our bed with us for the first time that night (she likes her own bed and always has) and I had to keep her cool and try and control her body temp. We were all up all night giving her liquids and patting her with a damp cool rag. She was extremely sleepy all day Saturday but bye that night she finally wanted to get up a little and she ate some dinner and kept it down. She went to bed with out a temp and slept all night. She woke without a temp and had breakfast so we called our friends and told them we would pack up that morning and head to Moab. We did and spent our New Year's with them after all. We came home the next Wednesday and had a wonderful time with them. We were so glad we were able to go after all. Our friends own a company in Moab and had a big New Year's Bash. They had sold about 80 tickets through-out the town and the festivities began at 7 PM and ran until 2 PM the next morning (we got to bed about 3 PM). They had games set up all over, a big dinner served at 8 PM with appetiser's every hour and a drawing for prizes every hour. They also had a DJ and dancing all night. I tried to get my groove on a few times but it was a bit aquard being so large (he-he). We had a GREAT TIME! Thanks for having us come down Rory and Rach. We love you!
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are so cute prego. good luck with labor, i know you will do great.
You are beautiful.
I would love to be at one of your little parties. Trisha and Tasha look great. Please tell them I said hi.
You are a great mamma too!
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