Saturday, October 29, 2011

In the blink of an eye......

Lea is growing so fast, it makes me so sad! She is
so much fun right now though. She was 6 months old on October 25th. She is 75% in every area (weight, length, head) and they say she is doing so well and as healthy as can be! She is such a happy and fun baby. Sleep's well, eats well, and just hangs out with mom all day (literally). She can hang in her bouncer for hours and it helps mom a great deal when trying to help the other two get ready for the day, lunch, clean the house, shower, etc. She is such a good sport and I feel extremely blessed! She is rolling all over the place, has been eating rice and oatmeal like a champ for the last month and will start food this week, she can almost sit up on her own and was pushing up onto her knee's just tonight. She is a strong little one. Her brother and sister are so soft and tender with her and love her to pieces. She gets so excited, starts to jabber, kicks her leg's and jumps up and down when ever her brother Owen comes home from pre-school. She LOVES to play with him! Heavenly Father know's me well and knew I would need my easy going sweetheart. Once again, very blessed and one of the luckiest mom's in the world!

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