Faith got a rocking horse from Santa and she LOVED it! It was the cutest thing ever to see her on Christmas morning. We thought she would be to young to understand or get into it but she was a doll. She walked around the corner from her room and she spotted the horse. She walked a few feet and started to laugh, giggle, and do a little dance of excitement. Then she said "horsceeee" and walked over to it, loving on it with kisses, hugs, and petting it. It was so fun!
She continued to open her gifts and she was in the best mood this morning. Loving it all: talking elmo, tea set, movies (which we had to watch that morning), and some doll accessories.
We even let Faith have a treat from her stocking (pure sugar) before breakfast. She loved it of course and walked around happier then ever!
Lindsay was tired from staying up all night putting "my" gift together but he was so excited for morning to come. He woke me up first and made me go out to the living room because he couldn't wait! It was 7:30 AM and Faith was still sleeping. He was so cute (I have the cutest daughter and husband in the world). I was in complete shock, HAPPY SHOCK! Then I started breakfast and when we heard Faith talking in her room we went and got her.
We went out visiting for the day starting at Noon and ending around 7 PM. We went to the Bott's (my parents), the Workman's (in-laws), visited with my brother Joey and his family, stopped to see Grandpa Bott (as I did every year growing up on Christmas and have continued to do). Faith received many gifts along the way: another tea set, a cute butterfly tent, a little rescue puppy that bark's and whimpers, a new little pink cozy-warm jogging suit w/little white snow flakes on it, a porcelain china doll, and much much more. Where are we going to put all of this stuff I wonder??? Lindsay said he would finish our basement this next year (he-he). If we want any more children and to have any more Christmas's we need to expand. TOYS EVERYWHERE!
We returned home at 7 PM, cozied up in our PJ's and let Faith play. I was so SPOILED! Lindsay bought me a VERY nice elliptical trainer (YIPPIEE!!. I kept telling him I wanted one for after the baby was born. Now I can't wait to use it! LET'S GET GOING!!!!!!!!!!!!
The day was FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!