Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Kiddo's

I keep trying to take some really good pic's of my little one's but they always turn out a little funny. Owen is almost as big as his older sister and has some luscious lip action going on in some of the pic's. Faith loves to "cheese" for the camera and not look at her mom when she wants her too. I just can't get it right!

Here or a few of my test shot's. I need a good one to take into my midwife/doctor who delivery of our adorable baby boy. She wants one of both of them together. I may have to go to the professionals if I can't get this down.

My two angels!

1 comment:

Jewels said...

I think that last one is perfect! Good luck on the whole picture taking experience. I always have one looking good and the other two looking away-you just can't win! I want to learn photoshop so I can swap heads! I had a friend once tell me-that's not reality though! And it is so true, we are living in the crazy times right now, someday when they are 7 and 8 years old you will get the perfect picture!