I thought Faith would never attempt to climb out of her crib. She is so little and just not crazy like that but the last few weeks have been something else. I don't know if she is getting jealous of her little brother finally or if she is hitting her terrible two's early.
She has started to put up a fight when it's time to take a nap. She has always been so good at going to bed, sleeping through the night and taking her naps. Well not only will she cry when it's nap time but the last few times I have tried to leave her with someone for a few hours she crys and crys. She has a really hard time with me leaving her. She also threw a fit in nursery yesterday at church, even when I stayed with her and held her she kept crying and crying. I don't know what has happened to my sweet little girl.
Well on Tuesday, May 6th it actually happened. I tried to put Faith down for a nap at 1 pm ish. She would not go. I let her come out and play a bit more thinking she would get sleepy. Well around 4 pm I tried to take her in her room for a nap before it was too late in the day and time for bed. I took her to her room, turned on her music, held her a bit and then tried to lay her down. She started to cry. I left the room and after about 5 minutes of listening to her scream I told myself "I am not going in there, I need to let her cry it out, I need to be strong and let her fall asleep knowing it will be OK." Well, right as I was saying this in my mind (mean while she was screaming historically, and she has never been this way). I then heard a loud THUMP! I went running to her room, threw open the door and there she was, standing in the middle of her room crying and screaming. It was awful! I felt so bad! I grabbed her and held her and began to cry myself. I felt like the meanest mom in the world! She cried in my arm's and finally fell asleep.
That was the worst day ever and I hope it never happens again. We lowered her crib to the last notch (lowest level) and possibly around 2 yrs (this August) we will have to switch her to a bed. I am trying to go as long as I can because then I don't have to deal with her getting out of her bed all the time at night and playing or getting into something. She is safer in her crib.
Any how, it was not a good day and has been a trying few weeks. She finally took a nap yesterday and is napping today again. She had gone 5 days with out her normal nap (maybe 20 minutes in the car when I would be out and about). It has been killing me, never a break. But I sure do love having my buddy with me all day.
Any how........... Let's hope she doesn't try that again :(
Wow - she is getting brave! Most kids will do about anything to get out of their nap, when they get that age. She's growing up Mom!! And, don't worry. Even though some days seem like the worst day ever........that too shall pass, and the next day seems like heaven. You are a great Mom. Never second guess that. And Lindsay's doing awesome too! I'm proud of you guys! Love ya! Ma
Consider a crib tent... that way you know she's safe and not crawling out of the crib. I know several of parents with monkey-babies that swear by theirs.
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