Thursday, July 3, 2008

License Expired

I can't believe it's time to renew my license already. I have gone four months not realizing that my license expired back in February, duh! It seems as if I just went in and received the license I have. I can't believe how old I am going.

The adoption agency I work for (For Every Child) called me yesterday to let me know that the state sent back my papers for my background check because my license is expired. I said "what the heck, it is not". I went to my wallet to look at it and what do you know. IT IS!!!!!!!!!!! ugh! Because the agency I work for has recently split off from another company and we are now operating under a new name we had to submit new resumes and the state has to do background checks on all of us.

Well looks like I have to drive to the license division tomorrow and renew my license. It couldn't have come at a better time, I still look like a cow from having Owen. Oh well, life goes on. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am such an air-head!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I did the same thing with my license this year - they used to send expiration notices but they don't anymore! I only went a couple weeks over though, some lady checking my ID at a store told me it had expired. Oh, and Mandi, you might want to blackout your SNN (I don't think you'd want that getting out!)